Zillow to Acquire ShowingTime

As you may have already seen in the news, Zillow has announced that they will acquire ShowingTime.

ShowingTime and Infosparks (owned by ShowingTime) are NorthstarMLS core services. We understand the concerns, especially with regard to confidentiality of your data. Staff and our Board take this seriously and will monitor the ramifications of this sale closely. As always, NorthstarMLS will take any actions deemed necessary to further safeguard your data.

For now, please be assured that regardless of who owns the company, we have a binding contract with ShowingTime that strictly limits access to and use of your confidential information. ShowingTime also has a privacy policy with similar restrictions. Zillow is bound by both of these. NorthstarMLS and its Board will ensure that broker/client information remains private.

We will let you know when we have more information to share.

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